Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dress Ups

Last week we discussed 'Fancy Nancy' and she is all about the dress ups. I wanted to expand on that idea with something I did for my nieces who love to play dress ups. The first time I showed up with dress ups (aka old "fun & frilly" clothes, hats etc) I brought them a big storage box too. This was to start the collection of dress ups that I knew that would grow, plus keep my sister happy. She is one of those that everything needs to have a proper place of storage, aka neat freak. Which still perplexes do you do that with 2 kids?! Anyway, now when I show up I have something fun to add to the box. Since I have pretty much cleaned out my closet, I'm working my way around the thrift stores etc. You can find some fun boxes at the container store or just cover a old 2 piece box with some fun wrapping paper. The dress up box is such a fun thing to collect for little girls. Sorry not sure about what the nephews like to collect at this age, as I don't have any.....yet. Don't forget to play dress up with them! Have fun. Ciao. Ciao.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fancy Nancy

With a book title like that how can you go wrong?! But then as Aunt Nancy, am I bias? The Fancy Nancy book series by Jane O'Connor is a must for little girls. Here is an excerpt from the book, so you can see for yourself just how sweet they are.... They are simple, sweet, and about all the little things you can do to be fancy,everyday. My niece loves the series so much she just had a fancy Nancy birthday party. Dress ups for little kids is like being a grown up. Wonder if that is why my nieces like wearing my shoes so much? If you save some of your old "fancy" clothes or just fun pieces like a pink frilly nightgown or a hat (that derby hat is just collecting dust anyway), you can show up with dress ups the next time you visit. Then have everyone wear them to breakfast for a fancy breakfast. Your nieces/nephews/grand kids will love it. Have fun! Ciao. Ciao.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Outside Adventure

With the weather warming up, you can't help but want to get outside! Going for a walk/hike gives you time to have quality conversations with your nieces, nephews, grand kids etc, which is impossible to do while they are in front of the TV or computer. Not to mention the fact that everyone is getting some exercise. I discovered a great new twist for a hike or a walk that will engage the kids you love. Make a bingo game out of your hike! You can print a bingo sheet off Lorrie Sullenburger's site Make sure you carry some stickers, so as the kids find the items they can put a sticker on top...get a row of stickers and bingo!! I can't wait to get out and play bingo with my nieces! Ciao. Ciao.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mother's Day Traditions...

Mother's Day is Sunday. To all the mom's out there, enjoy your day!! As an aunt, I always try to send my sister a card, who I happen to think is an amazing mom. Having watched her girls at various ages and for various lengths of time, it has given me a true sense of appreciation for motherhood. It's a ton of work! As a single gal, I get to leave (eventually) and no one asks me "what's next?" 20 times a day. My mother passed away almost 10 years ago now, but I still have fond memories our mother's day traditions. I'm not sure why mother's day and brunch seem to go hand in hand, but they did in our family too. Actually, we gave our mom breakfast in bed. Mostly just cereal at that young age, but it is the thought the counts, right?! What fun traditions do you share in your family for mother's day?! Picinic? A day mom doesn't have to do any cooking? Are you passing on the traditions from generation to generation? I hope so, because that is what kids remember most, things that are consistent year after year. Traditions. Happy Mother's Day! Ciao. Ciao.